use GlobalBase; DECLARE @command nvarchar(4000); -- Conditionally select tables and indexes from the sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats function -- and convert object and index IDs to names. IF OBJECT_ID('#work_to_do') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #work_to_do; SELECT 'BEGIN TRY ALTER INDEX ALL ON [' + OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME (afp.OBJECT_ID)+'].['+OBJECT_NAME(afp.OBJECT_ID) + '] REBUILD WITH (ONLINE = ON) END TRY BEGIN CATCH ALTER INDEX ALL ON [' + OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME (afp.OBJECT_ID)+'].['+OBJECT_NAME(afp.OBJECT_ID) + '] REBUILD WITH (ONLINE=OFF) END CATCH;' AS [Инструкция T-SQL] INTO #work_to_do FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats (DB_ID(), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'SAMPLED') AS afp WHERE afp.database_id = DB_ID() AND afp.index_type_desc IN ('CLUSTERED INDEX') AND (afp.avg_fragmentation_in_percent >= 15 OR afp.avg_page_space_used_in_percent <= 60) AND afp.page_count > 12 UNION ALL SELECT [Инструкция T-SQL] = CASE WHEN afp.avg_fragmentation_in_percent >= 15 OR afp.avg_page_space_used_in_percent <= 60 THEN 'BEGIN TRY ALTER INDEX [' + + '] ON [' +OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME (afp.OBJECT_ID)+'].['+ OBJECT_NAME(afp.OBJECT_ID) + '] REBUILD WITH (ONLINE = ON) END TRY BEGIN CATCH ALTER INDEX ['+ + '] ON [' +OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME (afp.OBJECT_ID)+'].['+ OBJECT_NAME(afp.OBJECT_ID) + '] REBUILD WITH (ONLINE=OFF) END CATCH;' WHEN (afp.avg_fragmentation_in_percent < 15 AND afp.avg_fragmentation_in_percent >= 10) OR (afp.avg_page_space_used_in_percent > 60 AND afp.avg_page_space_used_in_percent < 75) THEN 'ALTER INDEX [' + + '] ON [' + OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME (afp.OBJECT_ID)+'].['+OBJECT_NAME(afp.OBJECT_ID) + '] REORGANIZE;' END FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats (DB_ID(), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'SAMPLED') AS afp JOIN sys.indexes AS i ON (afp.OBJECT_ID = i.OBJECT_ID AND afp.index_id = i.index_id) AND afp.database_id = DB_ID() AND afp.index_type_desc IN ('NONCLUSTERED INDEX') AND ( (afp.avg_fragmentation_in_percent >= 10 AND afp.avg_fragmentation_in_percent < 15) OR (afp.avg_page_space_used_in_percent > 60 AND afp.avg_page_space_used_in_percent < 75) ) AND afp.page_count > 12 AND afp.OBJECT_ID NOT IN ( SELECT OBJECT_ID FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats (DB_ID(), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'SAMPLED') WHERE database_id = DB_ID() AND index_type_desc IN ('CLUSTERED INDEX') AND (avg_fragmentation_in_percent >= 15 OR avg_page_space_used_in_percent < 60) AND page_count > 1 ) --ORDER BY [Инструкция T-SQL] -- Declare the cursor for the list of partitions to be processed. DECLARE partitions CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM #work_to_do; -- Open the cursor. OPEN partitions; FETCH NEXT FROM partitions INTO @command; -- Loop through the partitions. WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) BEGIN; print ''''+(@command)+''''; exec(@command) FETCH NEXT FROM partitions INTO @command; END; -- Close and deallocate the cursor. CLOSE partitions; DEALLOCATE partitions; -- Drop the temporary table. DROP TABLE #work_to_do;
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Новый скрипт по реиндексации
Обновленный скрипт по реиндекации
Monday, March 12, 2012
Удаление устаревших данных с 1С за определенный период
Иногда просят почистить базу 1С за определенный период, стандартными методами это долгий и хлопотный процесс, используя же mssql получаем быстро и комфортно.
use work_TC_Digma; Declare @Instruction as varchar(MAX) declare @DateB as varchar(MAX); set @DateB='4012-01-01 00:00:00.000' Declare TablesAndFields cursor for SELECT as Tablename, isnull(,'') as Tablename1, as columnname FROM dbo.sysobjects as objects left join dbo.syscolumns as columns on = Left join dbo.sysobjects as objects1 on like'%' where objects.xtype = 'U' and columns.xtype = 61 and ('_Period' or'_Date_Time') order by, desc open TablesAndFields Declare @TableName as varchar(100) Declare @TableName1 as varchar(100) Declare @ColumnName as varchar(100) FETCH NEXT FROM TablesAndFields into @TableName, @TableName1, @ColumnName WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN IF @TableName1 =@TableName set @Instruction = 'delete '+@TableName+' where '+@ColumnName+'<'''+@DateB+'''' ELSE set @Instruction = 'delete '+@TableName1 +' where ' + @TableName+'_IDRRef in (select _IDRRef from '+@TableName+' where '+@ColumnName+'<'''+@DateB+''')' print @Instruction EXEC(@Instruction) FETCH NEXT FROM TablesAndFields into @TableName,@TableName1, @ColumnName END close TablesAndFields deallocate TablesAndFields
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Статья по анализу работы MSSQL
Очень правильная статья по анализу работы скула
Mssql Regex
столкнулся с проблемой когда в скуле необходимо воспользоваться регулярными выражениями, после не долгого шуршания по гуглу нашел ресурс
1. разрешаем скулу пользоваться Ole Automation Procedures
2. Создаем в скуле необходимые процедуры
sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1; GO RECONFIGURE; GO sp_configure 'Ole Automation Procedures', 1; GO RECONFIGURE; GO /* The OLE Regex Match function ----------------------------- Let's start off with something simple, a function for testing a string against a regular expression */ IF OBJECT_ID (N'dbo.RegexMatch') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION dbo.RegexMatch GO CREATE FUNCTION dbo.RegexMatch ( @pattern VARCHAR(2000), @matchstring VARCHAR(MAX)--Varchar(8000) got SQL Server 2000 ) RETURNS INT /* The RegexMatch returns True or False, indicating if the regular expression matches (part of) the string. (It returns null if there is an error). When using this for validating user input, you'll normally want to check if the entire string matches the regular expression. To do so, put a caret at the start of the regex, and a dollar at the end, to anchor the regex at the start and end of the subject string. */ AS BEGIN DECLARE @objRegexExp INT, @objErrorObject INT, @strErrorMessage VARCHAR(255), @hr INT, @match BIT SELECT @strErrorMessage = 'creating a regex object' EXEC @hr= sp_OACreate 'VBScript.RegExp', @objRegexExp OUT IF @hr = 0 EXEC @hr= sp_OASetProperty @objRegexExp, 'Pattern', @pattern --Specifying a case-insensitive match IF @hr = 0 EXEC @hr= sp_OASetProperty @objRegexExp, 'IgnoreCase', 1 --Doing a Test' IF @hr = 0 EXEC @hr= sp_OAMethod @objRegexExp, 'Test', @match OUT, @matchstring IF @hr <> 0 BEGIN RETURN NULL END EXEC sp_OADestroy @objRegexExp RETURN @match END GO /* With this function, the passing back of errors is rudimentary. If an OLE error occurs, then a null is passed back. There are two other basic Regex functions available. With them, you can use regular expressions in all sorts of places in TSQL without having to get to direct grips with the rather awkward OLE interface. The OLE Regex Replace function ----------------------------- */ IF OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.RegexReplace') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION dbo.RegexReplace GO CREATE FUNCTION dbo.RegexReplace ( @pattern VARCHAR(255), @replacement VARCHAR(255), @Subject VARCHAR(MAX), @global BIT = 1, @Multiline bit =1 ) RETURNS VARCHAR(MAX) /*The RegexReplace function takes three string parameters. The pattern (the regular expression) the replacement expression, and the subject string to do the manipulation to. The replacement expression is one that can cause difficulties. You can specify an empty string '' as the @replacement text. This will cause the Replace method to return the subject string with all regex matches deleted from it (see "strip all HTML elements out of a string" below). To re-insert the regex match as part of the replacement, include $& in the replacement text. (see "find a #comment and add a TSQL --" below) If the regexp contains capturing parentheses, you can use backreferences in the replacement text. $1 in the replacement text inserts the text matched by the first capturing group, $2 the second, etc. up to $9. (e.g. see import delimited text into a database below) To include a literal dollar sign in the replacements, put two consecutive dollar signs in the string you pass to the Replace method.*/ AS BEGIN DECLARE @objRegexExp INT, @objErrorObject INT, @strErrorMessage VARCHAR(255), @Substituted VARCHAR(8000), @hr INT, @Replace BIT SELECT @strErrorMessage = 'creating a regex object' EXEC @hr= sp_OACreate 'VBScript.RegExp', @objRegexExp OUT IF @hr = 0 SELECT @strErrorMessage = 'Setting the Regex pattern', @objErrorObject = @objRegexExp IF @hr = 0 EXEC @hr= sp_OASetProperty @objRegexExp, 'Pattern', @pattern IF @hr = 0 /*By default, the regular expression is case sensitive. Set the IgnoreCase property to True to make it case insensitive.*/ SELECT @strErrorMessage = 'Specifying the type of match' IF @hr = 0 EXEC @hr= sp_OASetProperty @objRegexExp, 'IgnoreCase', 1 IF @hr = 0 EXEC @hr= sp_OASetProperty @objRegexExp, 'MultiLine', @Multiline IF @hr = 0 EXEC @hr= sp_OASetProperty @objRegexExp, 'Global', @global IF @hr = 0 SELECT @strErrorMessage = 'Doing a Replacement' IF @hr = 0 EXEC @hr= sp_OAMethod @objRegexExp, 'Replace', @Substituted OUT, @subject, @Replacement /*If the RegExp.Global property is False (the default), Replace will return the @subject string with the first regex match (if any) substituted with the replacement text. If RegExp.Global is true, the @Subject string will be returned with all matches replaced.*/ IF @hr <> 0 BEGIN DECLARE @Source VARCHAR(255), @Description VARCHAR(255), @Helpfile VARCHAR(255), @HelpID INT EXECUTE sp_OAGetErrorInfo @objErrorObject, @source OUTPUT, @Description OUTPUT, @Helpfile OUTPUT, @HelpID OUTPUT SELECT @strErrorMessage = 'Error whilst ' + COALESCE(@strErrorMessage, 'doing something') + ', ' + COALESCE(@Description, '') RETURN @strErrorMessage END EXEC sp_OADestroy @objRegexExp RETURN @Substituted END GO /* The OLE Regex Find (Execute) function ----------------------------- This is the most powerful function for doing complex finding and replacing of text. As it passes back detailed records of the hits, including the location and the backreferences, it allows for complex manipulations. This is written as a table function. The Regex Routine actually passes back a collection for each 'hit'. In the relational world, you'd normally represent this in two tables, so we've returned a left outer join of the two logical tables so as to pass back all the information. This seems to cater for all the uses we can think of. We also append an error column, which should be blank! */ IF OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.RegexFind') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION dbo.RegexFind GO CREATE FUNCTION RegexFind( @pattern VARCHAR(255), @matchstring VARCHAR(MAX), @global BIT = 1, @Multiline bit =1) RETURNS @result TABLE ( Match_ID INT, FirstIndex INT , length INT , Value VARCHAR(2000), Submatch_ID INT, SubmatchValue VARCHAR(2000), Error VARCHAR(255) ) AS -- columns returned by the function BEGIN DECLARE @objRegexExp INT, @objErrorObject INT, @objMatch INT, @objSubMatches INT, @strErrorMessage VARCHAR(255), @error VARCHAR(255), @Substituted VARCHAR(8000), @hr INT, @matchcount INT, @SubmatchCount INT, @ii INT, @jj INT, @FirstIndex INT, @length INT, @Value VARCHAR(2000), @SubmatchValue VARCHAR(2000), @objSubmatchValue INT, @command VARCHAR(8000), @Match_ID INT DECLARE @match TABLE ( Match_ID INT IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL, FirstIndex INT NOT NULL, length INT NOT NULL, Value VARCHAR(2000) ) DECLARE @Submatch TABLE ( Submatch_ID INT IDENTITY(1, 1), match_ID INT NOT NULL, SubmatchNo INT NOT NULL, SubmatchValue VARCHAR(2000) ) SELECT @strErrorMessage = 'creating a regex object',@error='' EXEC @hr= sp_OACreate 'VBScript.RegExp', @objRegexExp OUT IF @hr = 0 SELECT @strErrorMessage = 'Setting the Regex pattern', @objErrorObject = @objRegexExp IF @hr = 0 EXEC @hr= sp_OASetProperty @objRegexExp, 'Pattern', @pattern IF @hr = 0 SELECT @strErrorMessage = 'Specifying a case-insensitive match' IF @hr = 0 EXEC @hr= sp_OASetProperty @objRegexExp, 'IgnoreCase', 1 IF @hr = 0 EXEC @hr= sp_OASetProperty @objRegexExp, 'MultiLine', @Multiline IF @hr = 0 EXEC @hr= sp_OASetProperty @objRegexExp, 'Global', @global IF @hr = 0 SELECT @strErrorMessage = 'Doing a match' IF @hr = 0 EXEC @hr= sp_OAMethod @objRegexExp, 'execute', @objMatch OUT, @matchstring IF @hr = 0 SELECT @strErrorMessage = 'Getting the number of matches' IF @hr = 0 EXEC @hr= sp_OAGetProperty @objmatch, 'count', @matchcount OUT SELECT @ii = 0 WHILE @hr = 0 AND @ii < @Matchcount BEGIN /*The Match object has four read-only properties. The FirstIndex property indicates the number of characters in the string to the left of the match. The Length property of the Match object indicates the number of characters in the match. The Value property returns the text that was matched.*/ SELECT @strErrorMessage = 'Getting the FirstIndex property', @command = 'item(' + CAST(@ii AS VARCHAR) + ').FirstIndex' IF @hr = 0 EXEC @hr= sp_OAGetProperty @objmatch, @command, @Firstindex OUT IF @hr = 0 SELECT @strErrorMessage = 'Getting the length property', @command = 'item(' + CAST(@ii AS VARCHAR) + ').Length' IF @hr = 0 EXEC @hr= sp_OAGetProperty @objmatch, @command, @Length OUT IF @hr = 0 SELECT @strErrorMessage = 'Getting the value property', @command = 'item(' + CAST(@ii AS VARCHAR) + ').Value' IF @hr = 0 EXEC @hr= sp_OAGetProperty @objmatch, @command, @Value OUT INSERT INTO @match ( Firstindex, [Length], [Value] ) SELECT @firstindex + 1, @Length, @Value SELECT @Match_ID = @@Identity /*The SubMatches property of the Match object is a collection of strings. It will only hold values if your regular expression has capturing groups. The collection will hold one string for each capturing group. The Count property (returned as SubmatchCount) indicates the number of string in the collection. The Item property takes an index parameter, and returns the text matched by the capturing group. */ IF @hr = 0 SELECT @strErrorMessage = 'Getting the SubMatches collection', @command = 'item(' + CAST(@ii AS VARCHAR) + ').SubMatches' IF @hr = 0 SELECT @strErrorMessage = 'Getting the number of submatches' IF @hr = 0 EXEC @hr= sp_OAGetProperty @objSubmatches, 'count', @submatchCount OUT SELECT @jj = 0 WHILE @hr = 0 AND @jj < @submatchCount BEGIN IF @hr = 0 SELECT @strErrorMessage = 'Getting the submatch value property', @command = 'item(' + CAST(@jj AS VARCHAR) + ')' ,@submatchValue=NULL IF @hr = 0 EXEC @hr= sp_OAGetProperty @objSubmatches, @command, @SubmatchValue OUT INSERT INTO @Submatch ( Match_ID, SubmatchNo, SubmatchValue ) SELECT @Match_ID, @jj+1, @SubmatchValue SELECT @jj = @jj + 1 END EXEC @hr= sp_OAGetProperty @objmatch, @command, @objSubmatches OUT SELECT @ii = @ii + 1 END IF @hr <> 0 BEGIN DECLARE @Source VARCHAR(255), @Description VARCHAR(255), @Helpfile VARCHAR(255), @HelpID INT EXECUTE sp_OAGetErrorInfo @objErrorObject, @source OUTPUT, @Description OUTPUT, @Helpfile OUTPUT, @HelpID OUTPUT SELECT @Error = 'Error whilst ' + COALESCE(@strErrorMessage, 'doing something') + ', ' + COALESCE(@Description, '') END EXEC sp_OADestroy @objRegexExp EXEC sp_OADestroy @objMatch EXEC sp_OADestroy @objSubMatches INSERT INTO @result (Match_ID, FirstIndex, [length], [Value], Submatch_ID, SubmatchValue, error) SELECT m.[Match_ID], [FirstIndex], [length], [Value],[SubmatchNo], [SubmatchValue],@error FROM @match m LEFT OUTER JOIN @submatch s ON m.match_ID=s.match_ID IF @@rowcount=0 AND LEN(@error)>0 INSERT INTO @result(error) SELECT @error RETURN END GO
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Очень часто возникает ситуации, когда в 1с нужно исправить один уникальный идентификато на другой, особенно когда у вас есть 2 базы с одинаковыми наименование или кодами, этот код поможет быстро и правильно исправить и установить уникальный идентификатор.
use GlobalBase; --временные таблицы if OBJECT_id('dbo.#TTable') is not null drop table dbo.#TTable; go use GlobalBase; SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @tablename sysname; DECLARE @columnname sysname; declare @SRef binary(16); declare @TRef binary(16); declare @inSRef binary(16); declare @inTRef binary(16); declare @sql nvarchar(max); declare @sSRef nvarchar(34); declare @sTRef nvarchar(34); select TSource._IDRRef as [NewRef], TTarget._IDRRef as [OldRef] ,TSource._Description as NEW_Description, TTarget._Description as OLD_Description into dbo.#TTable from rl_distrib.dbo._Reference82 as TSource left join GlobalBase.dbo._Reference141 as TTarget on TSource._Description=TTarget._Description collate DATABASE_DEFAULT where TSource._IDRRef not in (select _IDRRef from GlobalBase.dbo._Reference141) and (not TTarget._IDRRef is null) and TSource._Description not in (select _Description from rl_distrib.dbo._Reference82 -- проверка на задвоенные значения group by _Description having count(_Description)>1) DECLARE cur_name CURSOR SCROLL FOR SELECT,, --length=syscolumns.length FROM sysobjects JOIN syscolumns ON = JOIN systypes ON syscolumns.xtype=systypes.xtype WHERE sysobjects.xtype='U' and'binary' and syscolumns.length=16 and Right(,3)='Ref' ORDER BY,syscolumns.colid OPEN cur_name FETCH NEXT FROM cur_name INTO @tablename, @columnname while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN set @sSRef = Convert(nvarchar(34),CONVERT(char(34),@SRef,1)); set @sTRef = Convert(nvarchar(34),CONVERT(char(34),@TRef,1)); set @sql = N'update updateTarget set ' + @columnname + N'= tablesource.[NewRef] From GlobalBase.dbo.'+@tablename+N' AS updateTarget Join dbo.#TTable as tablesource on updateTarget.' + @columnname + N' = tablesource.[OldRef]'; --set @sql = 'select @TRef' -- EXEC (@sql ) EXEC sp_executesql @stmt = @sql; FETCH NEXT FROM cur_name INTO @tablename, @columnname END CLOSE cur_name DEALLOCATE cur_name if OBJECT_id('dbo.#TTable') is not null drop table dbo.#TTable; go
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